
Teachers and Students grade 11&12 level Biology are welcome

4 Oct 2012

Microbiology Facts


  • Virus discovered by Ivanowsky.
  • Amoeba discovered by Rosenhof (1755).
  • T M V crystallised by Stanley.
  • dsRNA present in Wound Tumor Virus, Rice Dwarf Virus, Rheovirus.
  • ssDNA present in psi x 174 Virus.
  • Conjugation in bacteria discovered by Lederberg & Tatum.
  • Transduction in bacteria discovered by Lederberg & Zinder.
  • Transformation in bacteria discovered by Griffith (1928).
  • Theory of Spontaneous generation proposed by Louis Pasteur.
  • Group of bacteria raised to the level of Division by Bold & Tippo.
  • Pure culture of bacteria first time obtained by Joseph Lister.
  • Discovered and isolated Streptomycin by Waksman ( 1944-45).
  • Tuberculosis germs discovered by Robert Koch.
  • First Vaccine against Small pox prepared by Edward Jenner.
  • Term antibiotic first used by Waksman.
  • First Antibiotic Penicillin discovered by Alexander Fleming.
  • Heterothallism in fungi (Rhizopus) discovered by Blakeslee.
  • Apospory discovered by Druery.
  • Apogamy discovered by Farlow.
  • Apospory named by De Bary.
  • Term alternation of generation first used by Hofmeister.

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