
Teachers and Students grade 11&12 level Biology are welcome

19 Sept 2012

BIO XI 3.1 Cell: The Unit of Life

BIO XI 3.1



BIO XI  3.1.1
Q. 1. Define cell.
Q.2. Who proposed the cell theory? What are the two main features of cell theory?
Q. 3. What was the contribution of Rudolf Virchow to the cell theory?

Q. 4. Draw and labeled  the structure of prokaryotic cell .
Q. 5. Write the function of following in a prokaryotic cell
(a) Mesosome (b) Chromatophore  (c) Pilus  (d) Fimbriae Q. 6. Which type of ribosome are present in bacterium? How they form polysome?

BIO XI  3.1.2
Q.7. Draw a well labeled diagram of typical plant cell & animal cell.
Q.8. Who proposed fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane?
Q.9. Explain the fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane with the help of neat labeled diagram.
Q.10. Differentiate active transport & passive transport.

BIO XI  3.1.3
Q. 11. What is the difference between protoplasm and cytoplasm?
Q.12. Which two cell organelles are said to be semiautonomous and why?
 Q. 13. Explain the various components of endomembrane system.
Q.14. Describe the structure& function of mitochondria.

BIO XI  3.1.4
Q.15.  Differentiate the three different types of chloroplasts.
Q.16. Name the type of material stored in amyloplast, alaeoplast and aleuroplast.
Q.17. Describe the structure of chloroplast with the help of neat labeled diagram &specify its function.
Q.18. Explain the structure of cilia & flagella.

BIO XI  3.1.5
Q.19. How can you differentiate
(i). The plant cell from an animal cell.
(ii). Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic cell.
(iii). RER & SER.
(iv). Amyloplasts ,elaioplasts & aleuroplasts.

BIO XI  3.1.6
Q.20.  Describe the ultra structure of nucleus.
Q.21.  Explain how the chromosomes are classified based on the position of centromere.
Q.22. What is mesosome in a prokaryotic cell ? Mention the function that it performs.
Q. 23. What are nuclear pores? State their function.


Briefly describe in steps the procedure of Gram staining technique?

What is the difference in cell envelop of Gram +ve and Gram -ve bacteria?

Differentiate Gram +ve Bacteria from Gram -ve bacteria.

Make a list of various functions performed by ER in cellular metabolism.

What are functions performed by Golgi body?

With the help of a diagram show various types of junctions present in plasma memranes of two adjacent cells.

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