
Teachers and Students grade 11&12 level Biology are welcome

21 Oct 2012




BIO XII 5.2.1
Q.1. Define ecosystem. Who proposed this term?
Q.2. How various types of ecosystems can be classified? Illustrate with the help of a flow chart?
Q.3. What do you mean by stratification? In which type of ecosystem do you expect to find stratification?
Q.4. Define the following: (a) Food Chain  (b) Food web (c) Trophic level (d) Biomass  (e) Standing crop
Q.5. Define Gross primary productivity and net primary productivity. What is the relationship between both of them?Name one terrestrial and one aquatic ecosystem which have highest primary productivity.

BIO XII 5.2.2
Q.6. Define detritus? Enlist and briefly describe the five steps involved in the process of decomposition.
Q.7. With the help of a flow chart show energy flow in an ecosystem.
Q.8. State Lindemann's 10% law of energy transfer in an ecosystem.
Q.9. Why food chains with a few trophic levels is more efficient than the  longer ones? Give reason.
Q.10. What do you understand by ecological pyramids? Name three types of pyramids.
Q.11. Pyramid of energy is always upright, can never be inverted, why?

BIO XII 5.2.3
Q.12. Differentiate between:
(a) GFC and DFC
(b) Primary and secondary productivity.
Q.13. Define the terms: 
Succession Pioneer  Seral  Climax Community    Hydrarch  Xerarch  Primary Succession  Secondary Succession.
Q.14. Make a list of various seral communities from pioneer to climax commmunity in case succession takes place in a lake.
Q.15.Make a flow chart of various communities in a xerarch succession.

BIO XII 5.2.4
Q.16. What is a biogeochemical cycle or nutrient cycle? Give examples of gaseous and sedimentary nutrient cycles.
Q.17. Draw flow chart of phosphorus cycle in a terrestrial ecosystem.
Q.16. Define succession. Differentiate between pioneer and climax community. ( Min 4 point.)
Q.18. What do you mean by ecosystem services? Enlist any five such services.

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