
Teachers and Students grade 11&12 level Biology are welcome

21 Oct 2012




BIO XII 5.1.1
Q. 1. Define ecology. Name the levels of organisation which are studied under ecology.
Q.2. Define the term biome. Give any two examples.
Q. 3. Which one of the two, stenothermal or eurythermal will be widely distributed on earth and why?
Q. 4. What are ectotherms?
Q. 5. Enlist the four ways by which organisms respond to change in abiotic factors of environment. Give examples also.

BIO XII 5.1.2
Q. 6. Why small animals like humming bird can not survive in polar regions?
Q. 7. Differentiate between Diapause and hibernation.
Q. 8. Define adaptations.
Q. 9. Why are Calotropis plants not eaten by grazing animals?
Q. 10.  What is Allen's Rule?

BIO XII 5.1.3
Q. 11. Write the formula to calculate the population density of a particular region at a time. Name two factors of each type which cause increase and decrease in population density. 
Q. 12. With the help of a diagram show: (a) Exponential population growth curve (b) Logistic growth curve. Label their regions and write the equations for each type.
Q. 13. Define carrying capacity. What happens if population crosses the carrying capacity of an ecosystem?
Q. 14. Explain the relationship between biotic potential and environmental resistance.
Q. 15. Define Gause's competitive exclusion principle.
Q. 16. Define following interactions and give one example of each:
(a) Commensalism
(b) Camouflage
(c) Symbiosis
(d) Amensalism
Q. 17. Name the population interactions:
(a) Cuckoo lays eggs in Crow's nest
(b) Orchid grows on a Mango tree
(c) Ticks live on the skin of a dog.
(d) Sea anemone is found attached on the shell of a hermit crab.
(e) Clown fish living among tentacles of sea anemone.
(f) Wasp pollinates fig inflorescence.
(g) Mycorrhiza living on roots of higher plants.

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