
Teachers and Students grade 11&12 level Biology are welcome

8 Sept 2012

Assign Bio XII 3.2

BIO XII 3.2.1


Q. 1. Define animal breeding.
Q. 2. Enlist various key precautions taken during during dairy farm management to maximise milk production.
Q. 3. Define term  breed.
Q. 4. What is inbreeding? Write any one advantage and one major disadvantage of inbreeding.
Q. 5. What is inbreeding depression? Name the process by which it can be overcome.

Q. 6. Differentiate between outcrossing and cross-breeding in animals. Name the crossbreed of sheep developed in Punjab.
Q. 7. Expand the terms and mention on advantage each of the following: A I  & MOET
Q. 8. Where is NDRI situated in india?
Q. 9. Crossbreed of indigenous breeds and exotic breeds always outperform the local breeds in output. Give a few reasons.

Q. 1. Name afew species of honey bees commercially important in apiculture.
Q. 2. Name the products obtained from bee keeping.
Q. 3. Enlist the key points which are taken care for successful bee keeping.
Q. 4. What is the benefit of bee keeping in agriculture other than getting honey and bee wax.


Q. 1. Give three examples each of: Fresh Water Fish & Marine Fish
Q. 2. Other than fishing what other products can be obtained from the water bodies?

Q. 1. Define plant breeding.
Q. 2. Briefly describe various steps involved in plant breeding.
Q. 3. Name nay five hybrid crops developed in India.
Q. 4. Expand IRRI. Write its location.
Q. 5. Dr. N. E. Borlaug is known as father of green revolution in third world countries. How did he contributed to it?

Q. 6. What way our indigenous rice and wheat varieties were inferior in quality before green revolution?
Q. 7. Name the semi-dwarf varieties of what and rice developed in India.
Q. 8. Write scientific names of north Indian and south Indian Sugarcane varieties. Write one limitation of each.
Q. 9. What could be the objectives of a plant breeder? Enlist a few of them.
Q. 10. Briefly describe followig methods of plant breeding:
(i) Mutation Breeding 
(ii) Hybridisation
(iii) Selection


Q. 1. Explain what is meant by biofortification? Name a few fortified crops.
Q. 2. What is the major aim of biofortification?

Q. 3. What are SCP? Name a few organisms grown and marketed ads SCP.
Q.4. What are advantages of SCPs?

Q. 1. Describe the meaning of terms:
Tissue culture, Explant, Totipotency, Culture Medium,  Micropropagation, Soma-clones, Somatic Hybrids, Virus free palnts.
Q. 2. What are advantages of micropropagation?
Q.3. Which part of plant is best suited as explant for making virus free plants. Why? 

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