
Teachers and Students grade 11&12 level Biology are welcome

5 Jul 2012

Assign Bio XI 1.2.1

BIO XI  1.2


Key Words:

Monera, Protista, Archaebacteria, chemosynthsis, Obligate parasite, Coprophilous, BGA, Cyanobacteria,  Mycoplasma, Heterocyst, Toxin, Diatom, Plasmodium, Coenocytic. Hypha, Mycelium, Chitin, Septa, Spores Endospores,  Symbiosis, Rhyzobium, Lichen, Mycorrhiza, Plasmogamy, Karyogamy, Dikaryon, Isogamy, Oogamy, Ascus, Basidium, Alternation of generation. Capsid, Capsomer, Ivanowasky, Beijerinek, TMV,  Viroid. T O Diener,

BIO XI  1.2.1

Who proposed: (3 mks.)

Two  kingdom classification

Four kingdom classification

Five Kingdom classification

In the tabular form write major characteristics of five kingdoms. (5 mks)

Differentiate between Archaebacteria and Eubacteria.( min 5 Points)

Enlist the main characteristics of prokaryotic cell which make it different from eukaryotic cells. ( min 5 Points)

Mention the four types of nutrition found in kingdom monera (bactria) 2 mks.

BIO XI 1.2.2

Draw different types of shapes present in bacteria and name each type. (min 6 types)

Enlist the criteria used to classify bacteria. ( min 5 Points)

Write five characteristics of mycoplasma.

Write Any three point importance of BGA. 3Mks.

What is a heterocyst? Write its two functions. Name any two organisms in which it is present. ( 3 Mks.)

BIO XI  1.2.3

Enlist the main characteristics of

Chrysophytes  ( Diatomes)



Slime Moulds.

Name the organism which causes red tides? How red tides are harmful? 2 mks

Name the source of diatomaceous earth. Mention any two of their uses. 2 mks

Enlist the four sub groups of Protozoa. Write main characteristics of each group and give at least one example of each. ( 5 mks. )

BIO XI  1.2.4

List the major points on which fungi are classified. ( 5 Points)

What is a dikaryon ( dikaryophase ) in fungi. 1 mark.

Write five main characteristics of fungi? 5 mks.

Enlist the four classes of Kingdom fungi. Mention their one major character and give two examples of each. 5 mark

Why Deutromycetes are called fungi imperfecti? Give two examples. (2 Mks.)

What are mycorrhiza? Name the plant in which it is found. How it is useful for a plant? ( 3 mks)

What do you understand by alternation of generation? (1 mk.)

BIO XI  1.2.5

Define virus.

Virus are considered neither living nor non living. Why? ( Hint: Enlist their five living as well as non living characteristics ) 5 mks.

Enlist characters of virus on the basis of which these are classified.

Which type of genetic material is found in virus generally infecting : a. Plants  b. Animals c. Bacteria. (3 mark.)

Who purified virus for the first time and which virus? 2  Mark

Draw diagrams of TMV and bacteriophage and label them. 5 mks.

Who discovered viroids? Write any three characters of viroids. (2 Mks)

What are the symptoms of Virus infected plant?

What do Mycobiont and Phycobiont represent in a lichen. What functional roles are performed by them? 2 Mks.


Write the various advantages and disadvantages of bacteria.

Who discovered Gram staining? Briefly enlist the steps of this staining procedure.

Differentiate between Gram-- and Gram+ bacteria.

Why mycoplasma are said to be pleotropic? Give two examples.

What are three methods of sexual reproduction in bacteria? Mane the scientists who discovered them.

name the photosynthetic pigments present in:    a. Bacterium    b. Cyanobacterium.

What are the major human diseases caused by protozoa.

Name the protozoa which lives symbiotically inside the intestine of termites helping them to digest cellulose.

Write the advantages and disadvantages of fungi.

Name diseases caused by fungi:

Albugo candida, Aspergillus niger, claviceps pupurea, Ustilago tritici, Puccinia graminis tritici, Alternaria solani, colletotrichum falcatum and trichoderma.

Enlist characters of virus on the basis of which these are classified.

Enlist the diseases caused by viruses to human and name the viruses.

What are three types of Lichens depending on their shapes of their thalli.

Enlist economically important lichens.

Name lichen which is a source of LITMUS.

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