
Teachers and Students grade 11&12 level Biology are welcome

11 Jul 2012

Assignment BIO XI 1.3.1

BIO XI  1.3


Numerical Taxonomy, Phylogenetic, cytotaxonomy, Chemotaxonomy, SCP, Haplontic, Diplontic, Gametophyte, Sporophyte, Cone, Strobilus, Sporophyll, Protonema, Heterospory , Prothallus, Archegonium, Antheridium,  Isogamy, anisogamy, Oogamy, Hetrosporous, Seed, Flower, Fruit, Monocot, Dicot, Doublr fertilisation, embryo sac, Antipodals, Synergids, Nucellus, Endosperm. Mycorrhiza, Coralloid roots,

BIO XI  1.3.1

Q. 1 What are three types of systems of classification of Angiosperms? Discuss their basis, advantages and limitations with atleast one example of each.
Q. 2. Define the following:
(a) Numerical Taxonomy
(b) Cytotaxonomy
(c) Chemotaxonomy
Q. 3 Differentiate the three sub groups of algae in tabular form on the basis of photosynthetic pigments, stored food Cel wall content, flagella and habitat.
Q. 4 Name any two sources of agar. Write any two of its uses.
Q. 5. What are single cell proteins (SCP). Name any two algae which are its sources.

BIO XI 1.3.2

Q. 1 Enlist the common characteristics of bryophytes. Name the three sub groups of bryophytes with examples.
Q.2. Draw  life cycle of a moss showing sporophyte and gametophyte?
Q. 3 What is protonema? Name any two plants in which it is found?
Q. 4  Write any two point importance of bryophytes?
Q. 5 Define the terms:
(a) Gametophyte
(b) Sporophyte
(c) Sporophyll

BIO XI  1.3.3

Q. 1 Enlist the most important characters of Pteridophytes? ( Min. five)
Q. 2 Why pteridophytes are called first land plants?
Q. 3 Name the four subgroups in which pteridophytes are classified. Give any two examples of each.
Q. 4 What do you understand by heterospory? What is its importance in the plant world.
Q. 5 With the help of a digram/ flow chart show life history of a typical fern plant.
Q. 6 Name the plant which is called walking fern.

BIO XI  1.3.4

Q. 1 write any five major features of gymnosperms.
Q. 2 Diagrammatically show life cycle of pinus.
Q. 3 Write any five point economic importance of gymnosperms.
Q. 4 What are coralloid roots. Why these are important?
Q. 5 Define the trems : flower, fruit and seed.
Q. 6 What is the major character on the basis of  which angiosperms are classified. Name its two sub groups.
Q. 7 Differentiate between Dicots and monocots on the basis of Seed, leaf, stem, root and flower.

BIO XI 1.3.5

Q. 1 Female gamete in angiosperms is a haploid 7 celled 8 nucleated structure. What is the name of this structure? Name the different types of cells present in it.
Q. 2 Name both the processes which take place simultaneously during double fertilisation. what are the structures produced from them?
Q. 3 What do you mean by alternation of generation?
Q. 4 Withe the help of labeled diagrams show three types of life cycle found in plant kingdom basd on alternation of generation. Give two examples of each type.
Q. 5 Name an alga which is diplontic.


Q. What is economic importance of algae.
Q. Name the member of green algae which which causes a plant disease named Red Rust of Tea.
Q. Name plants;
Walking fern
Fossil tree
Teak ( Sangwan)
Source of cork
source of Pencil wood
( sandal wood)
Q. Who discovered double fertilisation?
Q. What is growing trees for timber known as?
Q. Write the sources and uses of:  Carrageen  Algin Agar


  1. What is the importance of heterospores in pteridophytes?

  2. What is the importance of heterospores in pteridophytes?

  3. Heterospory in pteridophytes is an indicator of origin of seed in gymnosperms and angiosperms, which are all heterosporous.
