
Teachers and Students grade 11&12 level Biology are welcome

2 Jul 2012

Assign BIo XII 1.2.1

Chapter : Reproduction in flowering plants

Bio XII 1.2.1 A

Q. 1 Draw T S of mature anther and label the various layers of cells surrounding sporogenous tissue?
Q. 2. What is the function of endothecium.
Q. 3. Trace the the development of pollen from Pollen mother cell to Mature pollen ( 3 celled stage) with the help of diagrams.
Q. 4. What are structural features of tapetum? Write any four functions of Tapetum?
Q. 5. What are Ubisch Bodies?
Q. 6. What is Pollen kit?
Q. 7. What is sporopollenin? What is its significance?

Bio XII 1.2.2 A
Q. 1  Draw L S of Ovary showing anatropous ovule and label various parts.
Q. 2 With the help of diagrams show megasporogenesis.
Q. 3 Draw structure of a mature embryo sac in 7 celled 8 nucleated stage and label its parts.
Q. 4 Define terms:

Bio XII 1.2.3 A

Q. 1 Differentiate between wind pollinated and insect pollinated flowers.
Q. 2 Briefly enlist varios types of pollination based on pollinators and give at least two examples of plants of each type.
Q. 3 Write advantages of (a) Self Pollination (b) Cross pollination.
Q. 4 out of self pollination and cross pollination, which method is better and why, give reasons?
Q. 5 Write advantages and disadvantages of self pollination?
Q. 6 Briefly describe the various outbreeding devices in plants.( Min 5 points)

Bio XII 1.2.4 A

Q. 1 What is the type of pollen pistil interaction? Which chemical guides the growth of pollen tube in the style of carpel of flower.
Q. 2 Who discovered double fertilisation in angiosperms?
Q. 3 What are the two precesses which occur simultaneously during double fertilisation in the ovary of plants. What structures are produced by them?
Q. 4 Briefly describe the development of three types of endosperm with one example of each.

Bio XII 1.2.5 A

Q. 1 With the help labeled diagrams show various stages of development of embryo inside a dicot seed.
Q. 2 Draw a section of Dicot and monocot seeds and label the various parts?

Q. 3 What are parthenocarpic fruits? Why they are important?

Q. 4 Differentiate between
a.  Albumnous and non albuminous seeds.
b. dicot and monocot embryo
Q. 5 What is polyembryony? give two axamples of seeds in which it takes place?

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