
Teachers and Students grade 11&12 level Biology are welcome

29 Jun 2012

Assign Bio XI 1.1.1

The Living World

KEY TERMS:( just for reference)
In vitro, in vivo, metabolism, catabolism, anabolism. biodiversity, taxonomy, phylogeny, systematics,  Binomial Nomenclature,Taxa, hierarchy, Species,Taxonomic key, herbarium, flora, fauna, manual, monograph,

BIO XI 1.1.1
Q.1. Define metabolism. give at least one example of catabolic and anabolic reactions taking place in the living world.
Q.2. Define the term biodiversity. 
Q.3. What is the number of species that are known and described?
Q.4. Define taxonomy. What are three basic processes performed under taxonomy.
Q.5. Who is known as father of taxonomy? Name his publication.

BIO XI 1.1.2

Q.6. Differentiate between taxonomy and systematics.
Q.7. What are vernacular or common names? What is their limitation?
Q.8. What is the advantage of Binomial nomenclature? 
Q.9. What do you mean by Binomial Nomenclature? Who proposed it?
Q.10. Why do we need to classify the organism?

BIO XI 1.1.3

Q.11. Enlist any four universal rules which are followed while performing binomial nomenclature.
Q.12. Expand ICBN & ICZN.
Q.13. Define Taxon. Write the taxonomical hierarchy.
Q.14. What is taxonomical key. Give example.
Q. 15. How does flora, manual and monographs differ from each other?
Q.16. Write the phylum, class, order, family and scientific names of Man, Housefly, Mango and Wheat ( in tabular form)
Q. 17. What is the basic unit of classification of organisms? Properly Define it

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