
Teachers and Students grade 11&12 level Biology are welcome

29 Jul 2012

Assign BIO XI 2.1

BIO XI  2.1


Morphology, tap root, adventitious roots, pneumatophores, geotropic, quiescent zone, axillary bud, pulvinus, petiole, compound leaf, tendril, raceme, cymose, rachis, inflorescence, thalamus, actinomorphic, zygomorphic, bract, hypogynous, epigynous, aestivation, staminode, diadelphous, tetradynamous, calyx, corolla, androecium, gynoecium, epipetalous, tepal, perianth, trimerous, apocarpos, syncarpous, locule, placentation, parthenocarpy, testa, tegma, hilum, endosperm, aleuron layer, scutellum, coleoptile, coleorhiza, 

BIO XI  2.1.1

Q. 1. What are two major systems present in a plant body?
Q.2. How adventitious roots are different from fibrous roots?
Q.3. Draw a diagram of root tip and label the various regions of root.
Q.4. What is quescence zone? What is its important?
Q. 5. What are pneumatophores? What are they meant for?
Q.6. Why pneumatophores are present in mangrove forest? Name any two trees which possess respiratory roots?

BIO XI  2.1.2

Q.7. Why do certain plant parts get modified?
Q.8. Give one example each of:
a. Prop rootb. Stilt rootc. Respiratory root
Q.9. What is the primary function of root system? ( min 3 pts) 
Q.10. Potato and ginger are stems while carrot and turnip are roots. Give two reasons?
Q. 11. Differentiate between Racemose and cymose branching.
Q. 12.  Enlist the different types of modifications of stem found in plants. Give one example of each.
Q. 13. With the help of diagram illustrate how stem tendril is different from leaf tendril? Give one example of each type.
Q. 14. Define phyllotaxy. Draw diagrams of each type of phyllotaxy. Give on example of each type.

BIO XI  2.1.3

Q.15. Define the terms:
a. Flower
b. Inflorescence
c. phyllotaxy
d. estivation
e. Placentation
Q. 16.  Draw diagram of a typical flower and label the various whorls.
Q.   17. Draw different types of flowers based on position of ovary with respect to outer  whorls? Give one example of each.
Q. 18. What are different types of estivation in flower buds? Draw each type and name plants in which these are present.
Q. 19. Draw different types of placentation present in ovary in plants. Give one example of each.

BIO XI  2.1.4

Q. 20. What do you mean by pathenocarpic fruit? Give one such fruit that we eat.
Q  21. Draw labeled diagrams : 
a. L. S. of Mango fruit.
b. V. S. of Dicot seed
c. V. S. of Monocot seed
Q. 22. Give one examle each of endospermic and non endospermic seed.
Q.23. Draw floral diagram and write Floral formulae of following families:
a. Cruciferae
b. Solanaceae
c. Liliaceae

Q. 24.  Write the floral formula of family Fabaceae and describe the type of estivation in corolla, androecium, gynoecium and type of fruit present in it.
Q. 25. Write any three point economic importance of following families give names of plants:
a. Fabaceae
b. Solanaceae
c. Liliaceae


Make flow charts of different types of stem modifications found in plants and write examples of each type.

Differentiate between cladode and phyllocladode? Give one example of each.

Make a list of different types of inflorescence in plants with at least one example of each.

Draw a chart of various types of fruits found in plants with examples.

Make a list of unique floral characters which are considered characteristic features of various families in dicots.

Name the families in which following type of inflorescence are found:

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