
Teachers and Students grade 11&12 level Biology are welcome

21 Jul 2012

Assign BIO XI 1.4.1

BIO XI  1.4

CHAPTER: ANIMAL KINGDOM Click here for detail study

Bilateral, Diploblastic, Triploblastic, Coelom, Metamerism, Notochord, Choanocytes, Hermaphrodite, Choanocyte, Canal system, Polyp, Meduda, Meatgenesis, comb plates, bioluminescence, Flame cells, Dioecious, Nephridia, radula, Operculum, Poikilothermal, Homeothermal, Cloaca , marsupial, Ovivipary, Protostomes, Deuterostomes, Water vascular system, Tube feet.

BIO XI  1.4.1

Q. 1 .  Enlist the specific characters of animals which have been considered while classifying them.
Q. 2 Draw a chart of classification of kingdom animalia.
Q.3. Give at least one examples of animal having:
a.  Open circulatory system
b. closed circulatory system
c. Asymmetrical body
d. Radial symmetry
e. Bilateral symmetry

BIO XI  1.4.2

Q.4. Name two categories of animals based on no. of embryonic layers. Give two examples of each.
Q. 5. What are three different types of animals based on coelom. Write one example of each.
Q. 6. Define the following:
a. Metamerism
b. Notochord
c. Coelom

BIO XI  1.4.3

Q.7 Make a list of major characteristics ( min. 5) of each of the following phyla and write two examples of organisms in them:
a. Porifera
b. Coelentrata
c. Cteniphora
d. Platyhelminthes
e. Aschelminthes
f. Annelida
g. Arthropoda
h. Mollusca
i. Echinodermata
j. Hemichordata

BIO XI  1.4.4

Q.8. Name the largest phylum and give reason that how it contains largest no. of species in it.
Q.9. Name the second  largest phylum.
Q.10 What do you mean by poikilothermal and homeothermal animals? Give examples of each type.
Q.11. Make a list of unique characteristics of phylum Arthropoda.
Q.12.  Write biological names of Honey bee, Silk moth, lac insect and locusts.

BIO XI  1.4.5

Q.13. Differentiate between chordates and non chordates. ( min 5 pts)
Q.14. What are three very basic features of chordates? enlist them.
Q15. Draw a flow chart demonstrating the various subcategories of phylum chordata.

BIO XI  1.4.6

Q. 16 Write five major characteristics of class:
a. Cyclostomata
b. Chondrichthyes
c. Osteichthyes
d. Amphibia
e. Reptilia
f. Aves
g. Mammals

BIO XI  1.4.7

Q. 17 What do you mean by Ovoviviparous animals? Give examples.
Q. 18. Enlist the animals which are parasitic on human body
Q.19. Make a list of features of birds which help them in aerial life.
Q. 20 What is the role of air bladder in pisces.
Q.21. What is alternation of generation in coelenterates called? Name the two stages.


Make a table of various organs derived from each embryonic layer.
How many types of mouth parts are present in insects.
Study in detail : 
a. Type of locomotion in snakes
b. Difference in poisonous and non poisonous snakes.
Fear from a category of animals is called Arachnophobia. Name these animals. How many pairs of legs do they have?
What are social insects?
Name a few economically important insects write the products obtained.
Classify mammals into the various subcategories.
Give examples of: a. Egg laying mammals  b. Marsupials.


  1. sir all of the plants we have grown are suffering from some virus disease. is there any way we can get rid of that viral disease. some medicine or something else. the virus is yellow mosaic virus.

    Mohit Shekam
    XI B

  2. Virus can not be treated by any chemical in plants. Virus infected plants have to be uprooted and burnt.

    Only way out is to get new virus free plants and grow them with care to avoid infection.
