
Teachers and Students grade 11&12 level Biology are welcome

21 May 2012

Home Assignment 2.3.1-2.3.3


BIO XII 2.3.1A

Q 1.  Who proposed the theory of chemical evolution?

Q 2. What were the condition prevailing about 3.6 billion years ago on earth which lead to the evolution of life?

Q 3. Write the different names which are given to Operin Haldane concept.

Q 4. Enlist the material taken by Stanley Miller in his experiment.

Q 5. Enlist the various features of environment created by Stanley Miller in his experiment.

Q 6. What were the findings of Miller's experiment?

Q 7. What is the significance of Miller and Urey experiment?

BIO XII 2.3.2A

Q 8. Discuss the significance of palaentogical evidences in the study of organic evolution.

Q 9. What are differences between homologous and analogous organs?

Q 10. What do you mean by divergent evolution? Give any two examples.

Q 11. What is convergent evolution? Give examples.

Q 12. Suggest that biochemical similarities are important evidence of organic evolution.

Q 13. How does industrial melanism brings out the action of natural selection?

Q 14. Define adaptive radiation. Describe any two examples.

BIO XII 2.3.3A

Q 15. Who proposed theory of use and disuse of organs?

Q 16. Name the scientist who emphasised the role of mutation in evolution.

Q 17. What do you mean by saltation?

Q 18. Briefly enlist the postulates  of theory of natural selection.

Q 19. State the Hardy Weinberg Principle.

Q 20. What are conditions under which Hardy Weinberg principle is applicable?

Q 21. Describe the meaning of terms:
Genetic Drift  Founder Effect
Q 22. Enlist the steps which are involved in formation of new species according to Modern Theory of evolution.
Q. 23. Make a list of important events in the evolution of human being on earth.

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