
Teachers and Students grade 11&12 level Biology are welcome

3 Mar 2013

BIO XI 5.6

 BIO XI 5.6


1. Differentiate (i) CNS from PNS(ii) Afferent & Effernt fibres (iii) Myelinated & unmyelinated nerve fibre.
2. Draw a well labeled diagram of neuron.
3. Define nerve impulse. Explain how a nerve impulse is propagated across non- myelinated nerve fibre.
4. Explain the structure of synapse.
5. What are the two types of synapse?
6. Explain the various components of fore brain, midbrain & hind brain.
7. Sketch the reflex arc.
8. Draw a neat labeled diagram of eye.
9. Explain the various parts of eye.
10. Draw a neat labeled diagram of various parts of ear.
11. Differentiate between
(i)impulse conduction in myelinated nerve fibre & unmyelinated nerve fibre.
(ii)aqueous humor & vitreous humor 
(iii) blind spot & yellow spot 
(iv)cranial nerves & spinal nerves 
(v) rods & cones 
(vi) Dendrites & axons.
(vii)myelinated & unmyelinated axons.
(viii)thalamus & hypothalamus 
(ix) resting potential & action potential
12. Give a brief account of
(a) mechanism of synaptic transmission 
(b) mechanim of vision.(c)mechanism of hearing.

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