
Teachers and Students grade 11&12 level Biology are welcome

20 Nov 2012

BIO XI 4.4


Key Terms:
Aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, fermentation, Glycolysis, EMP pathway, Kreb's cycle, TCA cycle, Electron transport chain, Oxidative phosphorylation, cytochrome c oxidase, amphibolic pathway, respiratory quotient.

BIO XI 4.4.1
Q. 1. Define the following: Respiration, respiratory substrate, Aerobic & anaerobic respiration, fermentation.
Q.2. Draw the following metabolic pathways:
(a) Glycolysis or Embden, Mayerhof and Parnas Pathway.
(b) TCA Cycle or Citric acid cycle or Kreb's Cycle.
(c) Conversion of pyruvic acid to ethanol & lactic acid in anarobic respiration.
(d) Electron Transport System
Q. 3. Which is the common step for both aerobic & anaerobic respiration? Where does it takes place?
Q. 4. Who proposed the various steps of glycolysis?
Q. 5. Give comparison of aerobic and anaerobic respiration. (Min 5 points)

BIO XI 4.4.2
Q.6.  What is oxidative decarboxylation? Write the biochemical reaction to show how acetyl Co-A is formed. where is it formed?
Q.7. How many molecules of ATP are formed when one molecule of FADH2 & NADH is oxidised?
Q.8. Where does following take place within a cell:
(i) Glycolysis (ii) TCA cycle  (iii) ETS
Q. 9. What are the two ways in which ATP is produced during glycolysis?
Q. 10. Why does anaerobic respiration produce less energy than aerobic respiration?

BIO XI 4.4.3
Q. 11. Give a detailed account on the number of ATP molecules produced through various steps in aerobic oxidation of one molecule of glucose.
Q. 12. Discuss “ the respiratiory pathway is an amphibolic pathway”. 
 Q.13.  Define respiratory quotient. Give the RQ values of carbohydrates, fats, organic acids.
Q. 14. What is the net yield of ATPs when one glucose molecule undergoes aerobic respiration?
Q. 15. Write any three point on the importance of Citric acid cycle other than its being a part of aerobic respiration.

Competition Point (Optional):
Q. What do you mean by Pentose Phosphate Pathway (PPP). Where does it takes place? 
Q. What is the use of calculating RQ.

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