
Teachers and Students grade 11&12 level Biology are welcome

22 Oct 2012

BIO XII 4.2 with Answers



BIO XII 4.2.1
Q. 1. Excessive use of fertilizers and chemicals has harmful effects on environment. Suggest a possible solution to minimise this.​​​​​​
Q. 2.Which crops other than Bt cotton have been made pest resistance by genetic engineering?​
Q. 3.Expand GEAC. What is its function?
Ans. 1. Use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
Ans. 2. Bt cotton, rice, tomato, potato and soyabean
Ans. 3. GEAC – Genetic Engineering Approval Committee.
​​Makes decisions regarding validity and safety of introducing GMO for public use.
BIO XII 4.2.2
Q. 1. Some cotton plants grown by farmers are known as 'Bt cotton'.
a) What does Bt stand for?.
b)What is the advantage of this cotton plant?
c)How did scientists achieve this?
Q. 2. Name the vector which was used to introduce nematode specific gene into tobacco plant.​
Q. 3. Transgenic cow Rosie was produced in 1997.
(a) Name the protein present in its milk.​​​​​​
(b) Advantage of protein enriched milk.​
Q.4. Dr.Arun developed a vitamin A rich potato through his research on genetics.
a)What do you call such potato plants?
b)Who can approve the validity and safety of introducing potato for public uses.
Ans.1. a) Bt- Bacillus thuringiensis
b) pest resistant
c)By genetic modification/cloning
Ans. 2. Agrobacterium tumefaciens
Ans. 3. (a)  Human alpha lactalbumin.
​​(b) balanced product for human babies
Ans. 4.  a. G M Potato
Q. 1. How cryIAb differs from cryIIAb gene?
Q. 2. A method to present infestation of a nematode Meloidegyne incognitia on roots of tobacco is silencing the specific mRNA. What is the scientific name of the technique? How is this performed by ds-RNA?
Q. 3.A  baby  loses  his  mother  in  infancy  .He  was  totally  depended  on  breast  feeding  as  cows milk  creates  digestive  problems.  Name the first cow whose milk is nutritionally more balanced than normal cow’s milk. Which extra nutritional element does it contain and how much magnitude?
Q. 4. Shahid  a  two  years  old  baby  is  deficient  in  his  immune  system  since  birth.  His  father  was told  that  this  was  due  to  an enzyme deficiency  which  is  crucial  for  the  immune  system  to function. Name the enzyme, the cause of its deficiency and the cure of the disease?
Q. 5. Nematode specific genes.
              Agro bacterium                        
            Host plant with nematode gene
i) What is this technique of pest control called?
ii) Specify a, b & c in the chart given.
Ans. 1. CryIAb controls corn borer
Ans. 2. RNA interference (RNAi)
This  technique  involves  silencing  of  specific  mRNA  due  to  a  Complementary  ds  RNA molecule that binds to and prevents translation of m RNA i.e. RNA has been silenced.
Ans.3. First GM cow(transgenic cow)-Rosie
     ​Rosie produced milk rich in human protein
   ​ ​Human protein-Human alpha lact-albumin (2.4g/l)
    ​(More balanced product for human babies than the milk of normal cow)
Ans. 4. . Enzyme ADA (adenosine deaminase)
Cause- deletion of a gene for ADA
Cure of the disease-
a) bone marrow transplant
b) Enzyme replacement therapy
c) Gene therapy on lymphocytes
d) Introduction of gene from bone marrow cells producing ADA in to cells at early embryonic stage (for permanent cure)
Ans. 5. i) RNA interference
ii) a)sense RNA
b) Anti sense RNA
c) Silencing The m-RNA

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